MSFS 2020 Belgrade v4.0

Author: ivusenko
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Are you looking for MSFS 2020 Scenery Mods at one place? Then you have landed in the right place. If you have already chosen the file, click on Mod download button and follow the instructions. It’s as easy and simple as possible! MSFS 2020 Belgrade v4.0 Mod could be a great boost to your game and there are no reasons why to react negatively. Take the best that you can and don’t look back – you must be orientated to the future and new experiences.
Super. Congratulation.
can you add blok 45 through blok 70 please?
Maybe. These big blocks like 61-63 a quite big and hard to make without performance lost. Thank you for your suggestion anyway. I’ll keep that in mind!
Ivusenko – is there an updated mod with all new buildings at Belgrade waterfront? A lot of new landmarks there in the last 3 years.